Feeling Out of Control With Your Divorce?

Try Mediation With an Attorney to Resolve Differences

If you want to avoid a lengthy, costly, and stressful legal battle In the courtroom, take a deep breath, because there’s another path. Mediation is a cost-effective way to resolve divorce, custody, equitable distribution, parenting time, and other family law issues. You’ll engage in a collaborative, back-and-forth process, empowering both sides to find a middle ground and mutually benefit.

We specialize in finding creative, compassionate solutions to significant family disagreements, aiming to protect all parties involved and avoid courtroom trauma. Family law attorney Alison B. Weinroth, Esq.’s mediation practice concentrates on all matrimonial and family law matters, assisting couples and families in all economic and custody aspects.

Contact Us

For many families, traditional litigation isn’t the most beneficial solution for resolving a dispute. Smedley Law Group, P.C. offers a human-centered approach to mediation, so you and your family can see the big picture and find a resolution that works for everyone involved. Contact us to learn more.

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    1. Hours of Operation
    2. Monday: 9 am to 5 pm
    3. Tuesday: 9 am to 5 pm
    4. Wednesday: 9 am to 5 pm
    5. Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm
    6. Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
    7. Saturday: Closed
    8. Sunday: Closed