Jan 13
5 min
10 Mistakes to Avoid During Your Child Custody Battle
We hear it all the time: One of the most painful parts of a split is not living in the same house as your kids.
Jan 13
5 min
We hear it all the time: One of the most painful parts of a split is not living in the same house as your kids.
Jan 10
4 min
One of the biggest concerns people have when they’re facing a divorce is how their standard of living will change.
Jan 8
4 min
We hear this a lot from our clients around tax time: “When I filed my taxes in April, I was surprised to find out that my ex claimed the kid
Jan 7
5 min
In the United States, there’s one divorce approximately every 36 seconds. That's nearly 2,400 divorces per day, 16,800 divorces per week.
Jan 6
4 min
Here are 10 things you should do right away to protect yourself if you’ve been surprised with the split news.
Jan 5
5 min
Smedley Law Group Founder Ali Smedley, Esq. dishes on lots of information your typical lawyer just won’t share.
Jan 4
4 min
If 2020 is the year you've resolved to divorce, here are 10 steps to take to becoming single.
Nov 29
2 min
During divorce mediation, spouses working through a split negotiate an acceptable divorce agreement with the help of a neutral third party.
Nov 28
5 min
Here are a few things that will happen at your initial meeting with your prospective new attorney.
Nov 27
4 min
What if you don’t want a judge to make final decisions about your divorce agreement? Try collaborative law.