Jul 18
5 min read
What Kind of Questions Will They Ask Me to Determine If I’m Eligible to Adopt a Child?
Adoption can be an incredibly rewarding process, but it also requires an understanding of what’s required to meet eligibility requirements.

Adoption can be an incredibly rewarding process, but it also requires careful consideration and an understanding of what’s required to meet eligibility requirements. The New Jersey State Department of Children and Families (DCF) is responsible for making sure that hopeful parents are well-prepared for this journey. To ensure children’s needs are met as best they can, there’s an in-depth evaluation process to determine if applicants have what it takes to become adoptive parents. This often includes asking tough questions along the way.
The good news is that the experienced adoption attorneys at Smedley Law Group, P.C. can travel with you on this exciting journey.
Smedley Law Group, P.C. is on the roster as a firm approved by the Division of Child Protection & Permanency (DCP&P) to represent foster parents looking to complete their families through the adoption process.
If you’re a parent facing an application for the adoption of your child, we recognize that your rights are important and deserve protection. These proceedings can be fraught with emotion, and for that reason, it’s important to have a partner by your side who can work to protect your relationship with your child. Failure to take action in the face of such an application can have lifelong implications.
Overview of New Jersey’s Adoption Eligibility Requirements
For years now, New Jersey has been considered a very open and accessible state when it comes to adopting a child. Here’s what New Jersey courts look for in a person who wants to adopt:
Marital Status: Your marriage status isn’t a factor when it comes to offering a safe and secure home for children in need. Married and single individuals can adopt as can those in a domestic partnership or civil union.
Age: Applicants must meet two age qualifications. First, they must be at least 18 before the adoption is finalized. Second, they must be at least 10 years older than the child to be adopted.
Home Ownership: An applicant can rent or own their own home or apartment. A child must have their own bed and space for their belongings, but they don’t need to have their own bedroom.
Financial Status: There’s no minimum income for adoption. However, you’ll be required to financially support your family and your adopted child.
Citizenship: You don’t have to be a United States citizen. However, you must have entered the country legally. You must also plan to stay in the country for the duration of the placement.
New Jersey also does provide for international adoptions, where the adoptive parents must be residents of New Jersey. The adoptive parents won’t have to go to court in New Jersey to acknowledge the adoption, as long as the adoption was carried out under the laws of the other country. The adoption must also be verified by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service.
Types of Questions Adoption Agencies Ask
The state of New Jersey wants every adoption to be a great placement and the best situation for each child, as well as for the parent who adopts that child. In order to determine what’s in the best interest of all involved, specific information must be gathered.
There are several different types of questions that will be addressed during the home study. The person interviewing you needs to understand who you are, how well you can provide for a child, what your motivation is for adopting, and how the logistics of adopting will change your life.
With that in mind, here’s a list of questions you can anticipate and should prepare to answer during the adoption process:
- Why do you want to adopt a child?
- What’s your understanding of the adoption process?
- What’s your understanding of the challenges that adopted children face after adoption?
- How would you describe yourself?
- What was your childhood like?
- Describe your relationship with your own parents and extended family.
- What was the parenting style of your parents? How did their parenting style affect you as a person?
- Describe what you see as your parenting style.
- What’s your career? Do you enjoy your job? Do you have job security?
- Can you provide for an adopted child financially?
- What are your plans for your child’s education?
- What are your hopes for your child?
- What are your hobbies?
- How is your overall health? Does your family have a history of chronic illnesses?
- Do you have a criminal record?
- (For those who are married) Describe your relationship with your significant other.
- (For those who aren’t married) What’s your support system like? Do you have close friends or extended family who can help you with childcare?
While your caseworker may ask other questions, this is a good starting point for questions you might want to examine when you’re preparing for your interview.
The Adoption Process: Areas of Particular Interest During Questioning
- Income and Financial Status
- Criminal History Record Check
- Physical Health Considerations
- Mental Health Concerns
If you have a serious illness, a history of incarceration, or mental health issues, you will want to work with an experienced family law attorney who can help you present your case. The reality is that parenting is hard work. You will need to demonstrate that despite your history, you have addressed the issues and it will no longer be a challenge for you while raising a child. A family attorney with experience in these matters can help you gather documentation and present evidence that you are ready for the role of a lifetime – parenthood!
Contact the Experienced Adoption Attorneys at Smedley Law Group, P.C. in Woodbury, NJ Today
Deciding to expand your family through adoption is an exciting step for your family. It’s important to have an expert family law attorney you can trust by your side throughout the entire process. To learn more about how our lawyers at Smedley Law Group, P.C. can help you expand your family through adoption, contact us today for a consultation.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.