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What to Do on Valentine’s Day (Besides a Date)

We’ve got 11 fabulous ways for you to celebrate Valentine’s Day in your own way — and show yourself some self-care and love.

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Valentine’s Day is definitely a crazily controversial holiday — stirring up all kinds of emotions in people who love the day and those who can’t stand it.

About 55% of Americans celebrate Valentine’s Day. This year, in fact, Americans will spend a record $19.6 billion on Valentine’s Day blooms, candy, and cards (that’s an average of $143.56 per person), up from $18.2 billion last year, according to the National Retail Federation.

However, for people who’ve just gone through a breakup, or are going through one, Cupid’s day can feel like one of the love angel’s arrows right through the heart. (Lots of people celebrate Singles Awareness Day, a tongue-in-cheek anti-Valentine’s Day where singles celebrate their uncoupled status or give props to their fellow singles on February 14.)

We’ve got 11 fabulous ways for you to celebrate Valentine’s Day in your own way — and show yourself some self-care and love.

1. Treat yourself.

It always bears repeating that self-care never goes out of style. Choose from the countless ways you can show yourself some love, by scheduling a spa day, getting a mani-pedi, going to a movie or a hike in the woods, or unwinding in a hot bath by candlelight. The good news? You’ll get exactly what you want on Valentine’s Day.

2. Plan a girls’ or guys’ night out.

Whether you’re single or not, you can’t beat a night out with friends for good conversation and eats. Plus, you could even plan a night or weekend away if you have the time.

3. Spend Valentine’s Day getting creative with your kids.

Get out your glue and scissors — and get crafty. Make some love-themed crafts or cards to send to other family members. Then, head to the kitchen and whip up some heart-shaped meals followed by red and pink desserts.

4. Plan a mega movie marathon.

Stock up on popcorn and binge watch your favorite flicks alone, or with your pals. Bonus points if your celeb crush stars in all the films.

5. Show your home some love.

Yes, it’s a little early for spring cleaning — for the rest of the world. But now’s a great time to take stock of your space and brighten it up, whether that includes decluttering, painting, getting a new area rug or just adding some pops of color.

6. Do something your ex disliked.

Now’s your chance to have a Valentine’s Day where you don’t have to compromise — at all. If he or she couldn’t stand Italian food or heavy metal, spend the day indulging — order your favorite dish and blast Metallica.

7. Give yourself a makeover.

We’re not talking about the drastic kind where you chop off your middle-of-the-back-length hair to a pixie right after a bad breakup. Get highlights, have your makeup professionally done, cut bangs or hire a stylist for a day to help you pick out some new outfits.

8. Host a Valentine’s Day Secret Santa.

Much like the holiday gift exchange, plan a fun Valentine’s “Secret Cupid” exchange with your other single friends on the big day. Then, as each person’s opening their gift, everyone should share what they love about him or her.

9. Make a list of people you can surprise.

Whether it’s your kids’ grandmother or your close friends, think about all the people who’d love to receive a sweet or funny Valentine’s Day card. Or put together care packages and deliver them to a homeless shelter. Or, babysit for a couple who never gets out of the house for a night out.

10. Splurge on something special for yourself.

Pick your pleasure — a nice piece of jewelry, or a bouquet of your very favorite flowers. Or take yourself out to dinner or dessert at your favorite restaurant.

11. One thing not to do?

Don’t spend Valentine’s Day on social media. Socially stalking your ex to see what they’re up to (or who they’re with) isn’t going to give you a shot at self-esteem.

However you choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we hope it’s special and you spend it caring for yourself and the people you love.

If you need help with a family law matter, our attorneys at Smedley Law Group can provide you with the professional advice you need to make an educated decision. Schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys today.

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